Intense violence has left thousands of people glued to their televisions. screen.
Cold and calculating, a Korean student went on a rampage, killing 30 more people until he too died with his own gun. Witness the news that pierced the heart and made an entire nation witness to the tragedy at Virginia Tech, and many years before that, the horrific shooting at Columbine.
A profile of shooters based on multiple interviews with relatives, teachers, and classmates shows that shooters appear to be suffering from severe mental distress, suicidal ideation, depressed mood. depressed and socially isolated.
According to recent studies, a person who is constantly isolated is an extremely lonely person.
Loneliness is the absence of friends, but having many friends may not guarantee happiness, however, it plays an important role in one's mental health according to some psychologists . Having good social connections makes a person more extroverted and less psychotic. The lack of social networks is probably one of the reasons most people have social anxiety.
Social anxiety disorder is an intense and persistent fear of being with strangers, fear of being scrutinized by others in social situations, which often goes undiagnosed. A person with this disorder always foresees shame and humiliation. Even simple things like public speaking or eating in public can cause great anxiety.
Intense anxiety can lead to avoidant behavior. It gives a person a lot of discomfort. Social anxiety disorder is different from shyness. A shy person may feel very uncomfortable around other people, but may not feel nervous. Anxiety often occurs during or before a fearful situation. A fearful situation can cause a lot of difficulties for a person and can interfere with schoolwork, employment, or any other social event.
For example, a child may do poorly in school because classroom activities require constant interaction with classmates. Social anxiety is a barrier that keeps people from having meaningful relationships.
There is a saying that "without man is an island", but man's excessive fear has hindered their own social development.
To manage anxiety attacks, you must be clinically diagnosed by a psychologist or psychiatrist. Many cases of social anxiety disorder closely resemble avoidant personality disorder. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent the negative effects of these disorders. Treating this anxiety can be accomplished using different medications such as benzodiazepines, beta blockers, and antidepressants.
Besides seeking treatment, one of the best ways to cope with social anxiety and loneliness is to join a support group. Support groups are a great help, where people with severe anxiety can learn different techniques for dealing with their disorder.
But the combination of medicine and therapy can go very far. Therapy may focus on anger management and improving self-esteem and social skills. Combined with therapy, anti-anxiety medications can help people with social disorders lead more normal lives.